Nervous about going into Year 10? Anxious about how hard the lessons might be? Worried about the coursework you will have to do? All the staff in the school are dedicated to making sure that you do your best over the next two years … so do not worry. Always ask. Do not assume that you are the only one who does not understand things! EAP and Individual Needs teachers will be available to you if you feel that you may need extra help with your (I)GCSE courses. We offer EAP(English for Academic Purposes) and Strategies for School (S4S). These options provide the extra support you need to improve your performance in the (I)GCSE curriculum. During this time you will be following a set schedule for learning. This may involve:
Revising important ideas, concepts or language used in your (I)GCSE course;
Spending extra time to complete coursework to a higher standard;
Doing a specific course to improve your skills in language, studying and revising;
Working on tasks which address your specific learning needs.
You will probably be familiar with the way we work; we support students during lessons, run activities at lunchtimes and help individuals outside of lessons.