This course has extra syllabus content in addition to that in the Double Award course. Triple Science is assessed separately and there are 3 IGCSE qualifications, one for each of the science disciplines. For this reason, it is sometimes referred to as the separate science course. There are 2 papers for each discipline; paper 1 is a two-hour examination with the content of the double science course, paper 2 is an additional one hour examination with triple science topics. The Triple Award course is taught by more than one science teacher to maximize on the teachers’ specialist knowledge. Students selecting this pathway should have a good grasp of the science content covered in Years 7-9. Students will cover the extra content in this course and explore scientific concepts at a deeper level but in the same timeframe as the Double Award course. Therefore, it is important that students have a very good understanding of the fundamental principles that underpin science. Students opting for this pathway must have the capacity and interest to work at a fast pace to complete the additional content required.
This option is recommended for students who are considering Higher IB sciences and future university pathways requiring a strong science background. All students can access the IB full diploma at Higher or Standard Level or the ID Applied Learning Diploma with this course.
For Further Information: Please see Mr Jon Gilchrist, Head of Science