In English Language students will study a wide range of fiction and non-fiction, examining how writers construct texts, as well as extracting information for their own writing tasks. Imaginative, personal and creative writing will also be important elements of the course. Students will be asked to write in a variety of ways and for different purposes, ranging from descriptive to informative and argumentative writing.
Inferential reading skills are a strong focus, exploring how linguistic and structural choices convey the message of a writer and impact the reader. Students will develop an awareness and appreciation for how to recognise ideas, perspectives and arguments in texts, as well as how to develop coherent and effective responses.
How will I be assessed? The final assessment will comprise of 2 examination papers, each with a 50% weighting. Paper 1 (reading) assesses inferential reading, analysis of writer’s craft and summary skills. Paper 2 (writing) examines narrative, descriptive and argumentative writing. Please note: Students will have 5 periods of English on their timetables in Yr 10 as they will be studying English Language and World Literature. These are distinct courses and will result in students receiving two iGCSE qualifications.
English Language and World Literature are subjects that allow a great deal of creativity, imagination and personal writing. However, with hard work and determination all students have every chance for success.